Collection: Needles

Started in 1995 and designed by Keizo Shimizu, President of NEPENTHES. The brand was launched as a projection of a world view that has been matured through his own long experience of buying in countries around the world. His collections from a personal perspective have attracted attention not only in Japan but also from around the world. In 2010, REBUILD by NEEDLES was established as a new line within the collection. Rebuilding clothes that were mass-produced in the past and are difficult to make use of today, the brand revives them into new clothes. In recent years, the company has also expanded its field of activities to include collaborations with internationally renowned artists and stalls at world-scale festivals.

品牌NEEDLES由著名的日本Select Shop NEPENTHES主理人清水慶三創立,NEPENTHES主要以售賣男裝服飾為主,分別有另一同名自家品牌NEPENTHES其他還有SOUTH2 WEST8、NEEDLES及ENGINEERED GAREMENTS等大大小小誇國時尚品牌。NEEDLES是由主理人清水慶三利用自身創新見解而成立的品牌,清水先生透過20多年的時裝進口貿易生意經驗,驅使他利用當中所認識的世界各地廠家及設計師人脈等,展開其NEEDLES這個充滿了豐富經驗及世界不同文化色彩融合的企劃。

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