Collection: Good On

Made with high-quality American cotton that is gentle on the skin and strong, the pattern fits the body well. The sewing is durable enough for long-term wear, and the size specifications are calculated to create the best shape, considering the shrinkage caused by piece dyeing. The design complements the fabric woven with nine types of American cotton. The sewing is done in the US and Japan, using different dyeing methods. Good On has brought the classic American masterpieces, known for their meticulous attention to detail, into the present. They revive the "flavor" of that era with their persistent sewing, attention to detail, and "Shrink to Fit" design. The fabric is specially woven from high-quality cotton that feels comfortable on the skin for a long time. SUT&SAW is comfortable to wear, and you can enjoy the changes that occur over time. This is a truly authentic product, created with a lot of spirit and time, and should never be forgotten.