Collection: South2 West8

South2 West8 was launched in 2003 and is based in Hokkaido, Japan, a region that boasts a great natural environment. From 2015, under the concept of 'FISH & BIKE', the brand focuses on the traditional Japanese fishing method 'tenkara'. The brand has also been focusing on the American-born Fat Bike. The brand also advocates an outdoor lifestyle that makes full use of fat bikes born in the USA for fishing, and has released a number of products born from this new concept, including not only clothing but also original waders and rods. Today, the brand also proposes (and promotes) Urban Outdoor Outfit, a style of outdoor clothing that works in the city.

South2 West8由清水慶三與鈴木大器這兩位NEPENTHES的首腦創立於2003年,名稱取自北海道分店的門牌號。 起初品牌風格主要源自美式戶外,但由於創始人清水慶三,同時也是一比特釣魚狂熱愛好者,找不到好看的唐釣(Tenkara)服飾,於是决定自己設計,逐漸將品牌重心轉向「釣魚」。